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Article IV- Dues

Section 1

The annual dues for an active membership shall be set by the Board of Directors. Dues shall be paid by payroll deduction.

Section 2

Persons promoted during the calendar year become eligible for membership immediately by completing required forms and payment of dues.


(a)     Dues will not be required for the entire year in the case of promotion during the year; only for the remaining months of parts thereof.


(b)     To be eligible for membership in this association, application must be made to the Secretary/Treasurer within six months after the effective date of these amended by-laws, or being promoted to Sergeant or Special Agent Supervisor or a higher supervisory rank.


(c)     The Secretary/Treasurer shall reject any application for membership which does not definitely establish the applicant's eligibility for membership. Any person whose application has been rejected may appeal to the Board of Directors who shall either affirm or reverse the rejection.

Section 3

Any member of this association, who cancels their payroll deduction of ISPSA dues, shall be automatically suspended from active membership.


(a)     A suspended member shall be entitled to reinstatement to active membership upon payment of current dues and all dues which are in arrears.


(b)     A suspended member who retires or vests during said suspension, without payment of current dues and all dues which are in arrears, shall not be reinstated or be entitled to any benefits under Article I, section 3 of these by-laws.

Section 4

The Board of Directors may vote to pay every active member's dues to join a National Association, known as the International Conference of Police Associations, for the benefit of all members.

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